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Château Siffle Merle estate is situated on the Right side of the Gironde and belongs the Great Bordeaux Wines's Family.

Today we have been 33 hectares on three differents communes as the estate come from Franck Cot's family and his wife 's family. So, we have several and different Terroirs. It is one of the main reason why our wines are Unique and have there one Personality.
Our wines have Soul: they are borning,  growing up and staying in mind.

The grounds, mainly clay-limestone, welcom grape varieties such as Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc (Red wines grapes)
Gravely-clayey, gravel and stones grounds help Sauvignon, Semillon and Ugni Blanc to develop themselves (White grapes)

The average year of our vineyard is 30 and is planted 4800 feet/hectares.
Our vineyard has a southern slopes exposure which improve the maturation of berries and reduce the grey rot

The producing of our Cuvées is made of our family's Traditions respect:
we are working the soil, following-up each plot of vineyard, thinning out the leaves for a good maturity of grapes, maintenancing of yields, harvesting by machine and hand.

VIGNOBLES MACAGE EARL - Château SIFFLE MERLE 1, le Merle 33860 MARCILLAC - Phone 0557324134

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